


Designed for the home user, SyncBackLite is a backup and synchronization utility that can be used to create copies of important files. SyncBack is the best budget backup software for Windows 10, Windows 7, XP and earlier. 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are fully supported. *You'll need to change all the paths in this article as appropriate if you are using SyncBackPro, SyncBackLite or SyncBackFree. syncbacklite

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बनाने फ़ाइल बैकअप अनिवार्य है यदि आप चाहते हैं को रोकने के लिए डेटा हानि का कारण करने के लिए हार्ड डिस्क विफलताओं, फ़ाइल भ्रष्टाचार, या वायरस के संक्रमण है. के लिए बनाया गया घर उपयोगकर्ता, SyncBackLite है एक बैकअप और तुल्यकालन उपयोगिता है कि इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है की प्रतियां बनाने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण फाइलें, भी उपलब्ध कराने एन्क्रिप्शन और संपीड़न क्षमताओं.

का उपयोग करने के लिए SyncBackLite, आप पहली बार एक प्रोफ़ाइल बनाने के लिए. एकीकृत विज़ार्ड में मदद कर सकते हैं आप के इस प्रयास में मार्गदर्शक, अपने हर कदम जब तक सब कुछ तैयार है । SyncBackLite प्रदर्शन कर सकते हैं डेटा बैकअप फ़ोल्डर सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन या एक-से-एक प्रतियां (दर्पण प्रोफाइल). यह समर्थन करता है स्थानीय या बाहरी ड्राइव, नेटवर्क फ़ोल्डर, या FTP सर्वर के लिए, दोनों के रूप में एक स्रोत और गंतव्य के रूप में बैकअप की है ।

आप कॉन्फ़िगर करने के लिए डेटा फ़िल्टर को बाहर करने के लिए कुछ फ़ाइलों और फ़ोल्डरों के लिए और सेट अप करने के लिए समयबद्धक कार्य को समय-समय पर और हस्तक्षेप के बिना. जबकि इस करने के लिए पर्याप्त है एक नया प्रोफ़ाइल बनाएँ जल्दी, अगर आप की तरह किया जा रहा के नियंत्रण में हर एक विकल्प है, तो आप खुश हो जाएगा कि पता करने के लिए विशेषज्ञ प्रोफ़ाइल सेटअप में सक्षम बनाता है आप विन्यस्त करने के लिए नव निर्मित प्रोफाइल पिछले विस्तार के लिए नीचे. उदाहरण के लिए, आवेदन सक्षम बनाता है आप का प्रबंधन करने के लिए फ़ाइल overwriting स्थितियों पर फैसला तुलना एल्गोरिदम, संपीड़न, एन्क्रिप्शन, और कई और अधिक विकल्प है ।

एक दिलचस्प सुविधा के SyncBackLite है कि यह अनुकरण कर सकते हैं चल रहा है काम के बिना वास्तव में फ़ाइलों की प्रतिलिपि. इस विकल्प की अनुमति देता है आप के लिए जाँच करें कि क्या परिणाम रहे हैं के रूप में की उम्मीद है और, यदि नहीं, तो फिर से कॉन्फ़िगर सेटिंग्स ।

आप कर सकते हैं बनाने के लिए एक निष्पादन कतार के लिए अपने प्रोफाइल और फिर से चलाने में अनुपस्थित मोड है । चल रहा है एक प्रोफ़ाइल एक नई विंडो खोलता है, जहां के बीच सभी मतभेदों को स्रोत और गंतव्य प्रदर्शित कर रहे हैं । प्रत्येक स्थिति को नियंत्रित किया जा सकता अलग ढंग से: आप कर सकते हैं या तो फ़ाइलों की प्रतिलिपि गंतव्य के लिए चुनते हैं, या छोड़ करने के लिए, हटाने, या उन्हें ले जाने के लिए. एक सिंगल क्लिक के साथ, आप हिदायत कर सकते हैं SyncBackLite प्रतिबिंबित करने के लिए सभी फ़ाइलों और सिंक अपने दो फ़ोल्डर्स.

SyncBackLite अच्छा है जो उन लोगों के लिए की जरूरत बनाने के लिए डेटा बैकअप के बिना बहुत ज्यादा परेशानी है, जबकि यह भी अपील करने के लिए की तरह है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को विन्यस्त अपनी क्षुधा में विस्तार से है । जबकि यह खेल नहीं एक सुविधा सेट के रूप में व्यापक रूप में है कि के समर्थक या एसई संस्करण है, यह पर्याप्त से अधिक के लिए घर उपयोगकर्ता.

SyncBackPro (commercial) • Encryption without Compression/Zipping

February 8, 2018, 6:36 pm

Next SyncBackLite (commercial) • Date Modified

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: "Limit the bandwidth usage" is grayed out in Options

Is it possible to encrypt and rename files during a backup without zipping into one big file?

I want to backup to Google Drive, but I don't want my files human-readable. But, uploading one massive zip is going to be WAY too bandwidth intensive each time a file is changed or added. We're talking TBs of data. When encryption/compression is used, how does Syncback handle a file change?

What are my options here?


Statistics: Posted by Tyree — Thu Feb 08, 2018 6:36 pm

February 8, 2018, 8:13 pm

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Encryption without Compression/Zipping

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Encryption without Compression/Zipping

I have been using SyncBackFree for some time. I am a home user and just discovered that when I am syncing my files the date modified is not being retained. Does SyncBackLite have this capability? Thanks

Statistics: Posted by dd5087 — Thu Feb 08, 2018 8:13 pm

February 9, 2018, 12:46 am

Next SyncBackLite (commercial) • Re: Date Modified

Previous SyncBackLite (commercial) • Date Modified


You can enable encryption option (under Modify > Expert > Compression > Encryption settings page) to password protect the contents of a file into its own zip file before uploading it to Google Drive server. However, please note that encryption in SyncBack requires compression to zip (or equivalent) file. Therefore to encrypt files you have to first enable Compression, but you can set the level of compression to zero to encrypt files without compression. Please read this KB article for more details: ... ompression

Note that SyncBackPro supports 2 types of compression, single-zip compression (where all files are compressed into one big zip file) and multi-zip compression (where each file is compressed to its own zip file). When backing-up files to a cloud server we recommend using multi-zip compression as SyncBackPro scans source against destination and copies only new/changed files from source to destination, however with single-zip compression the zip file on the server is replaced in each run (simply deleted and recreated, hence the process will be very slow).

Sorry, but the filenames are not encrypted with multi-zip compression (this option is only available with single-zip compression). Please read the help file for more details about encryption. With Compression > Encryption settings page opened, press F1 to open the contextual help.

Thank you.

Statistics: Posted by Swapna — Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:46 am

February 9, 2018, 1:10 am

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Can I silently ignore unaccessible files?

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Encryption without Compression/Zipping


SyncBack (by default) will try to retain the last modification date/time stamps of files. However some devices e.g. NAS drives, FTP servers have problems trying to correctly handle Last Modified date/time file stamps and the files get stamped with 'date/time transferred to it'. Sorry, but there is no way to correct this.

If you wish you can test with SyncBackLite, but if the problem is with your destination device then it won't help. You can download and install SyncBackLite from here: ... _Setup.exe

Thank you.

Statistics: Posted by Swapna — Fri Feb 09, 2018 1:10 am

February 9, 2018, 11:01 am

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: SyncBackPro V8.5.5.0 - Global Settings Dialogue won't cancel

Previous SyncBackLite (commercial) • Re: Date Modified

Is there some way I can silently ignore (skip) files that I have not enough privileges to copy, instead of getting
"Failed to copy from Source : Access denied" errors?

E.g. "\Users\mikael.engstrom\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\ThumbCacheToDelete\thm8E63.tmp" etc...
(Files in this folder are not readable/accessible for the user via Explorer or SyncBackPro, even if running with Administrator privileges).

I'm running SyncBackPro V8.5.26.0 (x64).

Statistics: Posted by Engztrom — Fri Feb 09, 2018 11:01 am

February 10, 2018, 1:14 pm

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Initial upload of files to Google Drive

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Can I silently ignore unaccessible files?


I left this for a while and recently installed V8.5.26.0 x64 on my i7 desktop (where I had all the problems) and all the problems are now gone.

Looking at the History of Changes, I see that V8.5.17.0 fixed this:
Fixed (Pro): Errors related to compiler optimization bug (SugarSync, Amazon Cloud Drive, OneDrive)

Looks like it was probably the reason for the problems I was experiencing too. Strange that V8.5.5.0 x65 worked fine on my i5 laptop though. Weird.


Statistics: Posted by BrianLogan — Sat Feb 10, 2018 1:14 pm

February 10, 2018, 4:34 pm

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Google Drive backups are slowed by retrieving "delta items" ???

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: SyncBackPro V8.5.5.0 - Global Settings Dialogue won't cancel

I'm just setting up a large backup scheme to Google Drive. To start things off, I was uploading all my files via the Google Drive interface. I've uploaded nearly 200GB of data at this point. No small feat with a 12Mbps upload speed.

Today, I decided to let Syncback finish the upload of files in a particular folder. 500 files to go out of 8300. When I did so, as a mirror operation, I was surprised to see that Syncback wanted to upload ALL the files again.
This all comes down to the option in the Decisions to have the Source overwrite the Destination if the files have "changed" on both sides. But, the files shouldn't be different, right? If I change this option to "Do nothing" then it uploads just the 500 files. Obviously, though, in the end I WANT Syncback to overwrite the Destination if a file changes.

Here's the issue: I'm going to face this for all 200GB of files I have already uploaded. Basically, starting all over again.

So, if I run Syncback the first time with the "Do nothing" option, just to get all the files uploaded, is there then some way to tell Syncback to "start with this" and only change things from here on out? I'm gathering that I'm screwed here. I didn't expect the files to be "changed" on the destination. Ugh.


Statistics: Posted by Tyree — Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:34 pm

February 10, 2018, 5:31 pm

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Initial upload of files to Google Drive

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Initial upload of files to Google Drive

I just ran a backup of my Syncback Profiles to my Google Drive. The backup is a mirror consisting of a total of 309 files and 165MB. Most of those files were already on Google Drive, so only 55 had to be uploaded.

However, the first thing Syncback did before even starting to upload anything was retrieve "delta items." Over 12,000 of them. After retrieving them, it then had to retrieve them again, only this time with a counter "X of 12027 retrieved."

That step took 13 minutes! Once it determined the differences, only 22MB needed to be uploaded. 1 minute later, it was done. 14 minutes for 1 minute of actual uploading??? Why?

My concern is I have MUCH larger backup tasks than this left to setup. If it has to do this "delta items" mess with those operations, the backups will be intolerably slow. To the point of being unusable.

So, what are delta items and are they always like this?

Statistics: Posted by Tyree — Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:31 pm

February 11, 2018, 2:13 am

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Google Drive backups are slowed by retrieving "delta items" ???

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Google Drive backups are slowed by retrieving "delta items" ???


When SyncBackPro is used to upload files to the Google Drive server, it creates a local database to store the details of the files that cannot be stored on the cloud server (i.e. stores the meta-data of the uploaded files). In the next runs it uses the database to detect file differences on both sides and uploads only new/changed files from source to destination.

If the initial upload of files to Google Drive is done using its interface (or 3rd party application) then SyncBack doesn't know anything about those uploaded files (as there is no record of those files in the local database), so it assumes they are different and may propose to recopy all files again to the server. However, if you know the files are identical on both sides (that means no changes are made to the Source files since the last upload) you can follow these steps to update the database (without copying the file contents to the server):

1. Run the profile in manual mode (using ctrl + R)

2. When the Differences Window is displayed, mass select all the identical files (from the Differences Window)

3. Right click and choose "Use details from Source" to copy properties from one side to another (note that this process will only copy the meta-data but not the file contents).

When you mass-select files from Differences Window, you should select files that exist on both sides (with identical contents, but differ only in the file properties), otherwise the ‘Use details from Source’ option will not visible in the pop-up menu (in other words, if that option is not visible in the pop-up menu, that means you have accidentally selected a file that is only on one side). You can use the Filters menu on the Differences Window to filter the file list.

4. Run the profile

Thank you

Statistics: Posted by Swapna — Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:13 am

February 11, 2018, 2:24 am

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: SyncBackPro V8.5.25.0 (31st January 2018) released

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Initial upload of files to Google Drive


Delta changes is a Google Drive’s feature which allows SyncBackPro to quickly retrieve all file changes on the cloud server from a specified checkpoint. Please read this article for more details: ... ckups.html

However, if you notice the backups are slow when retrieving delta changes, you can try disabling it from Cloud > Advanced settings page. Tick the option ‘Do not use the delta API’ under: Modify > Expert > Cloud > Advanced settings page and retry the profile run to see if it helps?

Thank you.

Statistics: Posted by Swapna — Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:24 am

February 11, 2018, 2:16 pm

Next SyncBackSE (commercial) • SyncBack and Win10 UAC on every run

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Google Drive backups are slowed by retrieving "delta items" ???

I am much annoyed by these notifications and am glad to see that it is possible to disable them. However, it seems that they cannot be disabled globally from the Preferences. One must do so for each profile as follows (and I have close to twenty of them): Right-click on a profile, Modify, Expert, Notify, uncheck "Display a notification when a profile prompts". Would it be possible for the programmers to add an option in the Preferences that would apply to all profiles? Thanks in advance.

Statistics: Posted by maroberge — Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:16 pm

February 11, 2018, 5:03 pm

Next SyncBackSE (commercial) • Re: SyncBack and Win10 UAC on every run

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: SyncBackPro V8.5.25.0 (31st January 2018) released

Every time I run SyncBackSE (licensed copy, 64-bit) on Windows 10 (properly updated), the UAC is triggered and pops up the dialog.
What should I do that I am not required to confirm it every time? Beside the point I am quite certain than SyncBack is NOT making changes to OS with my backups.

Statistics: Posted by borisvar — Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:03 pm

February 11, 2018, 6:00 pm

Next SyncBack Touch • backup process

Previous SyncBackSE (commercial) • SyncBack and Win10 UAC on every run

Hi, see this Knowledge Base article

Note that the wording* of the UAC prompt is Microsoft's choice, and more accurately would state that the elevated privileges (see KB) being requested potentiallygive more scope for changes to the system than a program running non-elevated would have. It doesn't necessarily mean SB is asking to make any changes right now, but the MS prompt wording can give that impression.

PS the KB article refers to different wording* of the UAC prompt, which (IIRC) is how it prompted in Vista. The wording (as you probably know already) is 'Do you want to allow...' in Windows 10

Statistics: Posted by cliffhanger — Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:00 pm

February 12, 2018, 2:55 pm

Next SyncBackSE (commercial) • Backup of files with creation timestamp

Previous SyncBackSE (commercial) • Re: SyncBack and Win10 UAC on every run

I wish someone could help. I have a file to backup, using SBP and SBT, the file is over 4GB in size, and the speed is very slow, takes about 24 hours to complete. What happens is that the backup process will go almost to the completion (or in the middle of transfer), and then for some reason or the other I get an error "Failed to copy from SyncBack Touch : Timeout while waiting for response."
The internet connection where SBT is installed is not very reliable. I have a check box under "the connection is very slow" but it doesn't help.
Is there a way to resume the transfer? it always starts from the beginning. where does it store the temp file?
Thank you guys.

Statistics: Posted by kvn864 — Mon Feb 12, 2018 2:55 pm

February 12, 2018, 4:26 pm

Next SyncBackSE (commercial) • Re: Backup of files with creation timestamp

Previous SyncBack Touch • backup process


I am doing a backup from a windows 2008 server to a Synology NAS Server via Netfolder.
How do I get it working, that each saved file has got the creation timestamp of the file in windows ?

I choosed Copy/Delete / Advanced: Copy file creation Date & times

Statistics: Posted by megadruck — Mon Feb 12, 2018 4:26 pm

February 12, 2018, 11:38 pm

Next SyncBackFree (freeware) • Sync Back Free: NOT Copying All Files/Folders from Source to Destination

Previous SyncBackSE (commercial) • Backup of files with creation timestamp

February 13, 2018, 4:25 am

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Include files in sub-folders, but do not create folder structure

Previous SyncBackSE (commercial) • Re: Backup of files with creation timestamp

I have a new replacement computer that I need to move all my files onto. I ran Sync Back Free for my Documents, Music, Pictures, and Video Folders/Libraries. Most of the Files and Folders were copied over, but a minority weren't. Why is this, and more importantly, how can I get all of the Files and Folders qualities to copy over perfectly?

Statistics: Posted by u2rcrazybaby — Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:25 am

February 13, 2018, 12:53 pm

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Include files in sub-folders, but do not create folder structure

Previous SyncBackFree (freeware) • Sync Back Free: NOT Copying All Files/Folders from Source to Destination


I am currently testing SyncBackPro and I would like to achieve a rather simple task.
I want to back up (move) all files from a directory that are in sub-folders with specific ending.
But on the destination I only want the files and not the sub-folder structure.






I have no problem to select and move the files with filters, however I don't know how and if it's possible to not copy the folder structure.

Can you assist me? :)

Thank you very much.

Statistics: Posted by Drueckeberger — Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:53 pm

February 13, 2018, 4:02 pm

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Feature Request: Grade locked file errors as warnings

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Include files in sub-folders, but do not create folder structure

Hi, not supported (by design) - see the relevant KB article

Statistics: Posted by cliffhanger — Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:02 pm

February 14, 2018, 9:36 am

Next SyncBackPro (commercial) • Change Source from Local Folder to Dropbox

Previous SyncBackPro (commercial) • Re: Include files in sub-folders, but do not create folder structure

I'm using the Surface of my wife with my own account. By that I do not have full rights so SyncBack is not able to copy some (20-30) locked files, buts that is really ok for me:

Failed to copy from Quelle : File is locked: Cannot open file "\\?\C:\Users\xxxxx\NTUSER.DAT". Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird

L:CWD /xxxxx/$SBV$/
R:550 /xxxxx/$SBV$: No such file or directory.
L:CWD /xxxxx/
R:250 CWD command successful.
R:257 "/xxxxx" is current directory.
R:550 SBSE____.0XD: No such file or directory.

But as I'm receiving every 30 minutes an error log I like to have an option to grade locked file errors as warnings.

A second wish: Create an error if more than 1% of all files are warnings.

Statistics: Posted by mgutt — Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:36 am

Originally posted by

SyncBack is software for Windows that allows you to backup your files to your chosen destination, and synchronize (copy in both directions) them. There are 3 versions of the product: a free version, and two paid versions (one is entry level, and the other is premium). SyncBack is a useful product that helps to keep files secure, however, it does not allow you to sync or backup files to FTP, which is essential for some.

Using SyncBack with WebDrive fixes this problem. A number of users have reported that SyncBack works well with WebDrive (which allows you to access an FTP server as if it was a local drive, i.e. via a drive letter). Since SyncBack doesn’t natively support FTP, WebDrive File Transfer Client allows you to sync and backup your files to FTP. Follow the steps below to get started:

*You’ll need to change all the paths in this article as appropriate if you are using SyncBackPro, SyncBackLite or SyncBackFree.

When using the Windows Task Scheduler, you need to configure the job in SyncBack to run under the same Windows user account that you created your WebDrive site profile in. Make sure you enter a password as well as this is required for the Windows scheduler.

By default, the command line passed to the Windows scheduler by SyncBack will resemble the following:

“C:\Program Files\2BrightSparks\SyncBackSE\SyncBackSE.exe” -m “Profile Name”

Profile Name is the name of the profile you created in SyncBack. If you plan on running this scheduled job while being logged in, this will work as-is. However if you schedule it to run at, say, system startup or nightly after logging out, you will need to change this command line to a batch file that you will need to create in a text editor. The batch file will consist of 3 lines as follows:

start /wait /D “C:\Program Files\WebDrive\webdrive.exe” /s:”YourWebDriveSiteName”
“C:\Program Files\2BrightSparks\SyncBackSE\SyncBackSE.exe” -m “Profile Name”
net use W: /d

  1. The first line will use command line parameters in WebDrive to map the drive letter (adjust the path to WebDrive if different in your system).
  2. The second line is the standard way to run the SyncBack profile. In 64-bit systems, this will likely use “C:\Program Files (x86)\…” instead
  3. The last line simply disconnects the drive.

If you are using Windows Vista or later and have problems with SyncBackLite/SE/Pro not seeing the mapped drive then you may need configure SyncBackLite/SE/Pro to run without elevation by using a different manifest file or by creating an alternate copy of the program that runs non-elevated. This article has details (again, based on SyncBackSE; adjust names and paths to suit if using SyncBackLite/Pro)

Note that running at the lowest security level means you cannot copy open/locked files, for example. It also means any profiles that are stored in the same folder as SyncBackLite/SE/Pro cannot be used unless you have write permission to that folder (which is unlikely by default).

SyncBackFree does not run elevated so there is no need to change the manifest file for that version.

Want to download a free trial of WebDrive to test with SyncBack?

Image result for orange download

Posted in WebDrive and tagged backup, ftp, sync, SyncBack, webdav client, webdrive

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Recovery category. It was firstly available for download on Thursday, June 6th, 2019 with code ID: 18162, and you can find the latest version of the setup installer in the download page.


Screenshot 1 for SyncBack